Joining the American Guild of Organists - Portland, Maine Chapter
When you join the American Guild of Organists, you are joining a national organization of people who share a passion for the organ. Full voting membership includes both national and chapter benefits. There are more than 280 chapters throughout the United States and abroad. Joining a local chapter allows you to enjoy camaraderie with other organists in your local area, giving you the opportunity to celebrate the King of Instruments together. Membership includes a subscription to The American Organist (TAO) Magazine in printed and digital form or in digital form only.
Chapter activities and benefits often include:
Local substitute lists so you can earn extra income by filling in for other chapter members
Chapter newsletters with news of local events and personal updates
Chapter directories
Local recitals and other events
To join, visit or download a membership form here
Membership Categories:
Regular: $120.00
Special (65 and over or disabled): $95.00
Young Organist (student ID proof needed): $60.00
Dual Member with Other AGO Chapter: $35.00
Chapter Friend: $25.00
To learn more about the American Guild of Organists, click here